Monte Cristo suddenly struck his finger on his forehead and a smile
passed over his lips; then drawing near to Ali, he whispered,--
"Remain here, concealed in the dark, and whatever noise you hear,
whatever passes, only come in or show yourself if I call you." Ali bowed
in token of strict obedience. Monte Cristo then drew a lighted taper
from a closet, and when the thief was deeply engaged with his lock,
silently opened the door, taking care that the light should shine
directly on his face. The door opened so quietly that the thief heard no
sound; but, to his astonishment, the room was suddenly illuminated. He
"Ah, good-evening, my dear M. Caderousse," said Monte Cristo; "what are
you doing here, at such an hour?"
"The Abbe Busoni!" exclaimed Caderousse; and, not knowing how this
strange apparition could have entered when he had bolted the doors, he
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