and advancing a few steps, waited until the king should interrogate him.
"M. de Villefort," said Louis XVIII., "the Duc de Blacas assures me you
have some interesting information to communicate."
"Sire, the duke is right, and I believe your majesty will think it
equally important."
"In the first place, and before everything else, sir, is the news as bad
in your opinion as I am asked to believe?"
"Sire, I believe it to be most urgent, but I hope, by the speed I have
used, that it is not irreparable."
"Speak as fully as you please, sir," said the king, who began to give
way to the emotion which had showed itself in Blacas's face and affected
Villefort's voice. "Speak, sir, and pray begin at the beginning; I like
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