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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Justum et tenacem propositi virum."

M. de Blacas returned as speedily as he had departed, but in the
ante-chamber he was forced to appeal to the king's authority.
Villefort's dusty garb, his costume, which was not of courtly cut,
excited the susceptibility of M. de Breze, who was all astonishment at
finding that this young man had the audacity to enter before the king
in such attire. The duke, however, overcame all difficulties with a
word--his majesty's order; and, in spite of the protestations which the
master of ceremonies made for the honor of his office and principles,
Villefort was introduced.

The king was seated in the same place where the duke had left him. On
opening the door, Villefort found himself facing him, and the young
magistrate's first impulse was to pause.

"Come in, M. de Villefort," said the king, "come in." Villefort bowed,
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