added he, biting off with his large white teeth an enormous mouthful of
bread, "I have formed a plan." Caderousse's plans alarmed Andrea still
more than his ideas; ideas were but the germ, the plan was reality. "Let
me see your plan; I dare say it is a pretty one."
"Why not? Who formed the plan by which we left the establishment of
M----! eh? was it not I? and it was no bad one I believe, since here we
"I do not say," replied Andrea, "that you never make a good one; but let
us see your plan."
"Well," pursued Caderousse, "can you without expending one sou, put me
in the way of getting fifteen thousand francs? No, fifteen thousand are
not enough,--I cannot again become an honest man with less than thirty
thousand francs."
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