"Well, well," said Andrea, "that isn't a bad idea."
"My dear friend," said Caderousse, "eat of my bread, and take my advice;
you will be none the worse off, physically or morally."
"But," said Andrea, "why do you not act on the advice you gave me? Why
do you not realize a six months', a year's advance even, and retire
to Brussels? Instead of living the retired baker, you might live as a
bankrupt, using his privileges; that would be very good."
"But how the devil would you have me retire on twelve hundred francs?"
"Ah, Caderousse," said Andrea, "how covetous you are! Two months ago you
were dying with hunger."
"The appetite grows by what it feeds on," said Caderousse, grinning and
showing his teeth, like a monkey laughing or a tiger growling. "And,"
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