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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Because, my lord," said Haidee eagerly, "my miseries recall to me the
remembrance of your goodness."

Albert looked at her with curiosity, for she had not yet related what he
most desired to know,--how she had become the slave of the count. Haidee
saw at a glance the same expression pervading the countenances of her
two auditors; she exclaimed, 'When my mother recovered her senses we
were before the serasker. 'Kill,' said she, 'but spare the honor of the
widow of Ali.'--'It is not to me to whom you must address yourself,'
said Koorshid.

"'To whom, then?'--'To your new master.'

"'Who and where is he?'--'He is here.'

"And Koorshid pointed out one who had more than any contributed to the
death of my father," said Haidee, in a tone of chastened anger. "Then,"
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