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The Count of Monte Cristo

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these demons, and which seemed like hell itself opening beneath his
feet. I felt myself fall to the ground, my mother had fainted."

Haidee's arms fell by her side, and she uttered a deep groan, at the
same time looking towards the count as if to ask if he were satisfied
with her obedience to his commands. Monte Cristo arose and approached
her, took her hand, and said to her in Romaic, "Calm yourself, my dear
child, and take courage in remembering that there is a God who will
punish traitors."

"It is a frightful story, count," said Albert, terrified at the paleness
of Haidee's countenance, "and I reproach myself now for having been so
cruel and thoughtless in my request."

"Oh, it is nothing," said Monte Cristo. Then, patting the young girl on
the head, he continued, "Haidee is very courageous, and she sometimes
even finds consolation in the recital of her misfortunes."
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