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The Count of Monte Cristo

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satisfaction--tell me the name of the president of the club, that I may
at least know who killed my father." Villefort mechanically felt for
the handle of the door; Valentine, who understood sooner than anyone her
grandfather's answer, and who had often seen two scars upon his right
arm, drew back a few steps. "Mademoiselle," said Franz, turning towards
Valentine, "unite your efforts with mine to find out the name of the man
who made me an orphan at two years of age." Valentine remained dumb and

"Hold, sir," said Villefort, "do not prolong this dreadful scene. The
names have been purposely concealed; my father himself does not know who
this president was, and if he knows, he cannot tell you; proper names
are not in the dictionary."

"Oh, misery," cried Franz: "the only hope which sustained me and enabled
me to read to the end was that of knowing, at least, the name of him who
killed my father! Sir, sir," cried he, turning to Noirtier, "do what you
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