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The Count of Monte Cristo

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ascertaining that he was dead. The general fell, then, in a loyal duel,
and not in ambush as it might have been reported. In proof of this we
have signed this paper to establish the truth of the facts, lest the
moment should arrive when either of the actors in this terrible scene
should be accused of premeditated murder or of infringement of the laws
of honor.

"'Signed, Beaurepaire, Deschamps, and Lecharpal.'"

When Franz had finished reading this account, so dreadful for a
son; when Valentine, pale with emotion, had wiped away a tear; when
Villefort, trembling, and crouched in a corner, had endeavored to lessen
the storm by supplicating glances at the implacable old man,--"Sir,"
said d'Epinay to Noirtier, "since you are well acquainted with all these
details, which are attested by honorable signatures,--since you appear
to take some interest in me, although you have only manifested
it hitherto by causing me sorrow, refuse me not one final
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