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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"'"You would call acting generously, knowing your conspiracy and
not informing against you, that is what I should call becoming your
accomplice. You see I am more candid than you."'"

"Ah, my father!" said Franz, interrupting himself. "I understand now why
they murdered him." Valentine could not help casting one glance towards
the young man, whose filial enthusiasm it was delightful to behold.
Villefort walked to and fro behind them. Noirtier watched the expression
of each one, and preserved his dignified and commanding attitude. Franz
returned to the manuscript, and continued:--

"'"Sir," said the president, "you have been invited to join this
assembly--you were not forced here; it was proposed to you to come
blindfolded--you accepted. When you complied with this twofold request
you well knew we did not wish to secure the throne of Louis XVIII., or
we should not take so much care to avoid the vigilance of the police. It
would be conceding too much to allow you to put on a mask to aid you
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