president, "we acknowledge no King Louis XVIII., or an ex-emperor,
but his majesty the emperor and king, driven from France, which is his
kingdom, by violence and treason."
"'"Excuse me, gentlemen," said the general; "you may not acknowledge
Louis XVIII., but I do, as he has made me a baron and a field-marshal,
and I shall never forget that for these two titles I am indebted to his
happy return to France."
"'"Sir," said the president, rising with gravity, "be careful what you
say; your words clearly show us that they are deceived concerning you
in the Island of Elba, and have deceived us! The communication has been
made to you in consequence of the confidence placed in you, and which
does you honor. Now we discover our error; a title and promotion attach
you to the government we wish to overturn. We will not constrain you to
help us; we enroll no one against his conscience, but we will compel you
to act generously, even if you are not disposed to do so."
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