"But it was on leaving this club," said he, "my father disappeared."
Noirtier's eye continued to say, "Read." He resumed:--
"'The undersigned Louis Jacques Beaurepaire, lieutenant-colonel of
artillery, Etienne Duchampy, general of brigade, and Claude Lecharpal,
keeper of woods and forests, Declare, that on the 4th of February, a
letter arrived from the Island of Elba, recommending to the kindness and
the confidence of the Bonapartist Club, General Flavien de Quesnel, who
having served the emperor from 1804. to 1814 was supposed to be devoted
to the interests of the Napoleon dynasty, notwithstanding the title
of baron which Louis XVIII. had just granted to him with his estate of
"'A note was in consequence addressed to General de Quesnel, begging
him to be present at the meeting next day, the 5th. The note indicated
neither the street nor the number of the house where the meeting was to
be held; it bore no signature, but it announced to the general that
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