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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes," replied the old man. "You understand, baron, my grandfather
wishes you to read this paper," said Valentine.

"Then let us sit down," said Villefort impatiently, "for it will take
some time."

"Sit down," said the old man. Villefort took a chair, but Valentine
remained standing by her father's side, and Franz before him, holding
the mysterious paper in his hand. "Read," said the old man. Franz untied
it, and in the midst of the most profound silence read:

"'Extract from the Report of a meeting of the Bonapartist Club in the
Rue Saint-Jacques, held February 5th, 1815.'"

Franz stopped. "February 5th, 1815!" said he; "it is the day my father
was murdered." Valentine and Villefort were dumb; the eye of the old man
alone seemed to say clearly, "Go on."
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