that orders were issued to arrest him and that this order would have
been put into execution if he had not escaped by flight, which proves
that he was either mad or guilty? It was a mistake."
"Yes, which made fools laugh, which caused the minister to have a
sleepless night, which has caused the minister's secretaries to blacken
several sheets of paper, but which has cost me 700,000 francs."
"But, sir," said Hermine suddenly, "if all this is, as you say, caused
by M. Debray, why, instead of going direct to him, do you come and tell
me of it? Why, to accuse the man, do you address the woman?"
"Do I know M. Debray?--do I wish to know him?--do I wish to know that he
gives advice?--do I wish to follow it?--do I speculate? No; you do all
this, not I."
"Still it seems to me, that as you profit by it--"
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