"You are right; let us leave these facts alone, and reason coolly. I
have never interfered in your affairs excepting for your good; treat me
in the same way. You say you have nothing to do with my cash-box. Be
it so. Do as you like with your own, but do not fill or empty mine.
Besides, how do I know that this was not a political trick, that the
minister enraged at seeing me in the opposition, and jealous of the
popular sympathy I excite, has not concerted with M. Debray to ruin me?"
"A probable thing!"
"Why not? Who ever heard of such an occurrence as this?--a false
telegraphic despatch--it is almost impossible for wrong signals to be
made as they were in the last two telegrams. It was done on purpose for
me--I am sure of it."
"Sir," said the baroness humbly, "are you not aware that the man
employed there was dismissed, that they talked of going to law with him,
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