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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"In April you went to dine at the minister's. You heard a private
conversation respecting Spanish affairs--on the expulsion of Don Carlos.
I bought some Spanish shares. The expulsion took place and I pocketed
600,000 francs the day Charles V. repassed the Bidassoa. Of these
600,000 francs you took 50,000 crowns. They were yours, you disposed of
them according to your fancy, and I asked no questions; but it is not
the less true that you have this year received 500,000 livres."

"Well, sir, and what then?"

"Ah, yes, it was just after this that you spoiled everything."

"Really, your manner of speaking"--

"It expresses my meaning, and that is all I want. Well, three days after
that you talked politics with M. Debray, and you fancied from his words
that Don Carlos had returned to Spain. Well, I sold my shares, the news
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