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The Count of Monte Cristo

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equal securities. You told me that your instinct,--and although you
pretend to know nothing about speculations, I think on the contrary,
that your comprehension is very clear upon certain affairs,--well, you
told me that your instinct led you to believe the grant would be given
to the company called the Southern. I bought two thirds of the shares
of that company; as you had foreseen, the shares trebled in value, and
I picked up a million, from which 250,000 francs were paid to you for
pin-money. How have you spent this 250,000 francs?--it is no business of

"When are you coming to the point?" cried the baroness, shivering with
anger and impatience.

"Patience, madame, I am coming to it."

"That's fortunate."

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