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The Count of Monte Cristo

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her notice that she was to stop. "It is very evident that it is the
letter W which M. Noirtier wants," said the notary. "Wait,"
said Valentine; and, turning to her grandfather, she repeated,
"Wa--We--Wi"--The old man stopped her at the last syllable. Valentine
then took the dictionary, and the notary watched her while she turned
over the pages. She passed her finger slowly down the columns, and when
she came to the word "Will," M. Noirtier's eye bade her stop. "Will,"
said the notary; "it is very evident that M. Noirtier is desirous of
making his will."

"Yes, yes, yes," motioned the invalid.

"Really, sir, you must allow that this is most extraordinary," said
the astonished notary, turning to M. de Villefort. "Yes," said the
procureur, "and I think the will promises to be yet more extraordinary,
for I cannot see how it is to be drawn up without the intervention of
Valentine, and she may, perhaps, be considered as too much interested in
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