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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Sir," said she, "that need not make you uneasy, however difficult it
may at first sight appear to be. I can discover and explain to you my
grandfather's thoughts, so as to put an end to all your doubts and fears
on the subject. I have now been six years with M. Noirtier, and let him
tell you if ever once, during that time, he has entertained a thought
which he was unable to make me understand."

"No," signed the old man.

"Let us try what we can do, then," said the notary. "You accept this
young lady as your interpreter, M. Noirtier?"


"Well, sir, what do you require of me, and what document is it that you
wish to be drawn up?" Valentine named all the letters of the alphabet
until she came to W. At this letter the eloquent eye of Noirtier gave
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