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The Count of Monte Cristo

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will accompany you whithersoever you desire to go. There is but one
favor I would entreat of you."


"Guard carefully the secret of your birth. Make no allusion to the
past; nor upon any occasion be induced to pronounce the names of your
illustrious father or ill-fated mother."

"I have already told you, my lord, that I shall see no one."

"It is possible, Haidee, that so perfect a seclusion, though conformable
with the habits and customs of the East, may not be practicable in
Paris. Endeavor, then, to accustom yourself to our manner of living in
these northern climes as you did to those of Rome, Florence, Milan, and
Madrid; it may be useful to you one of these days, whether you remain
here or return to the East." The young girl raised her tearful eyes
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