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The Count of Monte Cristo

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'joy'--you style me your 'love,'--and both of you have called me 'my

"Do you remember your father, Haidee?" The young Greek smiled. "He is
here, and here," said she, touching her eyes and her heart. "And where
am I?" inquired Monte Cristo laughingly.

"You?" cried she, with tones of thrilling tenderness, "you are
everywhere!" Monte Cristo took the delicate hand of the young girl in
his, and was about to raise it to his lips, when the simple child
of nature hastily withdrew it, and presented her cheek. "You now
understand, Haidee," said the count, "that from this moment you are
absolutely free; that here you exercise unlimited sway, and are at
liberty to lay aside or continue the costume of your country, as it may
suit your inclination. Within this mansion you are absolute mistress of
your actions, and may go abroad or remain in your apartments as may seem
most agreeable to you. A carriage waits your orders, and Ali and Myrtho
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