boy with a smiling air, "will have the honor of driving you home, while
your coachman remains here to attend to the necessary repairs of your
calash. As soon as that important business is concluded, I will have a
pair of my own horses harnessed to convey it direct to Madame Danglars."
"I dare not return with those dreadful horses," said Madame de
"You will see," replied Monte Cristo, "that they will be as different as
possible in the hands of Ali. With him they will be gentle and docile
as lambs." Ali had, indeed, given proof of this; for, approaching the
animals, who had been got upon their legs with considerable difficulty,
he rubbed their foreheads and nostrils with a sponge soaked in aromatic
vinegar, and wiped off the sweat and foam that covered their mouths.
Then, commencing a loud whistling noise, he rubbed them well all over
their bodies for several minutes; then, undisturbed by the noisy crowd
collected round the broken carriage, Ali quietly harnessed the pacified
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