"This lady," said the Count, speaking to Ali in the Arabic language, "is
desirous that her son should thank you for saving both their lives; but
the boy refuses, saying you are too ugly." Ali turned his intelligent
countenance towards the boy, on whom he gazed without any apparent
emotion; but the spasmodic working of the nostrils showed to the
practiced eye of Monte Cristo that the Arab had been wounded to the
"Will you permit me to inquire," said Madame de Villefort, as she arose
to take her leave, "whether you usually reside here?"
"No, I do not," replied Monte Cristo; "it is a small place I have
purchased quite lately. My place of abode is No. 30, Avenue des Champs
Elysees; but I see you have quite recovered from your fright, and are,
no doubt, desirous of returning home. Anticipating your wishes, I have
desired the same horses you came with to be put to one of my carriages,
and Ali, he whom you think so very ugly," continued he, addressing the
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