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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"I cannot be mistaken; there are your horses! The very animals we were
speaking of, harnessed to the count's carriage!"

"My dappled grays?" demanded the baroness, springing to the window.
"'Tis indeed they!" said she. Danglars looked absolutely stupefied. "How
very singular," cried Monte Cristo with well-feigned astonishment.

"I cannot believe it," murmured the banker. Madame Danglars whispered
a few words in the ear of Debray, who approached Monte Cristo, saying,
"The baroness wishes to know what you paid her husband for the horses."

"I scarcely know," replied the count; "it was a little surprise prepared
for me by my steward, and cost me--well, somewhere about 30,000 francs."
Debray conveyed the count's reply to the baroness. Poor Danglars looked
so crest-fallen and discomfited that Monte Cristo assumed a pitying air
towards him. "See," said the count, "how very ungrateful women are. Your
kind attention, in providing for the safety of the baroness by disposing
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