Come, M. Debray, you are a connoisseur, I believe, let me have your
opinion upon them." As Debray walked towards the window, Danglars
approached his wife. "I could not tell you before others," said he in a
low tone, "the reason of my parting with the horses; but a most enormous
price was offered me this morning for them. Some madman or fool, bent
upon ruining himself as fast as he can, actually sent his steward to
me to purchase them at any cost; and the fact is, I have gained 16,000
francs by the sale of them. Come, don't look so angry, and you shall
have 4,000 francs of the money to do what you like with, and Eugenie
shall have 2,000. There, what do you think now of the affair? Wasn't
I right to part with the horses?" Madame Danglars surveyed her husband
with a look of withering contempt.
"Great heavens?" suddenly exclaimed Debray.
"What is it?" asked the baroness.
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