statement, at that instant a violent clap of thunder seemed to shake the
house to its very foundation, while a sudden gust of wind, mingled
with rain, extinguished the lamp he held in his hand. Trembling and
awe-struck, Caderousse hastily shut the door and returned to his
guest, while La Carconte lighted a candle by the smouldering ashes that
glimmered on the hearth. 'You must be tired,' said she to the jeweller;
'I have spread a pair of white sheets on your bed; go up when you are
ready, and sleep well.'
"Joannes stayed for a while to see whether the storm seemed to abate in
its fury, but a brief space of time sufficed to assure him that,
instead of diminishing, the violence of the rain and thunder momentarily
increased; resigning himself, therefore, to what seemed inevitable, he
bade his host good-night, and mounted the stairs. He passed over my head
and I heard the flooring creak beneath his footsteps. The quick, eager
glance of La Carconte followed him as he ascended, while Caderousse, on
the contrary, turned his back, and seemed most anxiously to avoid even
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