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The Count of Monte Cristo

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the time I have finished my supper the tempest has at all abated, I
shall make another start.'--'It's the mistral,' said Caderousse, 'and
it will be sure to last till to-morrow morning.' He sighed
heavily.--'Well,' said the jeweller, as he placed himself at table,
'all I can say is, so much the worse for those who are abroad.'--'Yes,'
chimed in La Carconte, 'they will have a wretched night of it.'

"The jeweller began eating his supper, and the woman, who was ordinarily
so querulous and indifferent to all who approached her, was suddenly
transformed into the most smiling and attentive hostess. Had the unhappy
man on whom she lavished her assiduities been previously acquainted with
her, so sudden an alteration might well have excited suspicion in his
mind, or at least have greatly astonished him. Caderousse, meanwhile,
continued to pace the room in gloomy silence, sedulously avoiding
the sight of his guest; but as soon as the stranger had completed his
repast, the agitated inn-keeper went eagerly to the door and opened
it. 'I believe the storm is over,' said he. But as if to contradict his
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