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The Count of Monte Cristo

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stepped into the shed, and it was fortunate I did so, for at that moment
Caderousse entered with a stranger.

"I waited patiently, not to overhear what they said, but because I could
do nothing else; besides, the same thing had occurred often before. The
man who was with Caderousse was evidently a stranger to the South of
France; he was one of those merchants who come to sell jewellery at
the Beaucaire fair, and who during the month the fair lasts, and during
which there is so great an influx of merchants and customers from all
parts of Europe, often have dealings to the amount of 100,000 to 150,000
francs. Caderousse entered hastily. Then, seeing that the room was,
as usual, empty, and only guarded by the dog, he called to his wife,
'Hello, Carconte,' said he, 'the worthy priest has not deceived us; the
diamond is real.' An exclamation of joy was heard, and the staircase
creaked beneath a feeble step. 'What do you say?' asked his wife, pale
as death.

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