"The beginning or the end?"
"The evening of the 3d."
"Ah," said Monte Cristo "the evening of the 3d of June, 1829. Go on."
"It was from Caderousse that I intended demanding shelter, and, as we
never entered by the door that opened onto the road, I resolved not
to break through the rule, so climbing over the garden-hedge, I crept
amongst the olive and wild fig trees, and fearing that Caderousse might
have some guest, I entered a kind of shed in which I had often passed
the night, and which was only separated from the inn by a partition, in
which holes had been made in order to enable us to watch an opportunity
of announcing our presence. My intention was, if Caderousse was alone,
to acquaint him with my presence, finish the meal the custom-house
officers had interrupted, and profit by the threatened storm to return
to the Rhone, and ascertain the state of our vessel and its crew. I
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