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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Did he not conduct you to the ruins of the Colosseum and suck your
blood?" asked Beauchamp.

"Or, having delivered you, make you sign a flaming parchment,
surrendering your soul to him as Esau did his birth-right?"

"Rail on, rail on at your ease, gentlemen," said Morcerf, somewhat
piqued. "When I look at you Parisians, idlers on the Boulevard de Gand
or the Bois de Boulogne, and think of this man, it seems to me we are
not of the same race."

"I am highly flattered," returned Beauchamp. "At the same time," added
Chateau-Renaud, "your Count of Monte Cristo is a very fine fellow,
always excepting his little arrangements with the Italian banditti."

"There are no Italian banditti," said Debray.

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