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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Laugh, if you will; the Countess G----, who knew Lord Ruthven, declared
that the count was a vampire."

"Ah, capital," said Beauchamp. "For a man not connected with newspapers,
here is the pendant to the famous sea-serpent of the Constitutionnel."

"Wild eyes, the iris of which contracts or dilates at pleasure," said
Debray; "facial angle strongly developed, magnificent forehead,
livid complexion, black beard, sharp and white teeth, politeness

"Just so, Lucien," returned Morcerf; "you have described him feature for
feature. Yes, keen and cutting politeness. This man has often made me
shudder; and one day that we were viewing an execution, I thought I
should faint, more from hearing the cold and calm manner in which
he spoke of every description of torture, than from the sight of the
executioner and the culprit."
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