half the size passed them going in the opposite direction. As they
dropped into the chasm on the other side, another nuclear went off at
the volcano.
When Conn and Fred left the /Goblin/ and boarded the ship, they found
Rodney Maxwell, Captain Poole, and a couple of others on the bridge.
Charley Gatworth, the skipper of the /Vampire/, Morgan Gatworth's son,
was with them, and, imaged in a screen, so was Klem Zareff. One of the
other screens, from a pickup on the /Vampire/, showed the /Dragon/ lying
on her side, her turret crushed and her gun, with the muzzle-brake gone,
bent upward. A couple of lorries from the /Lester Dawes/ were alongside;
as Conn watched, a blanket-wrapped body, and then another, were lowered
from the disabled gunboat.[Pg 74]
"Fred, how are you and Charley fixed for counter-missiles?" Zareff was
asking. "Get loaded up with them off the ship, as many as you can carry.
Charley, you go up on top of this ridge above, and take cover where you
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