can watch the mountain. Transmit what you see back to the ship. Fred,
you take a position about a quarter way around from where you are now.
Don't let them send anything over, but don't start anything yourselves.
I'm coming out with everything I can gather up here; I'll be along
myself in a couple of hours, and the rest will be stringing in after me.
In the meantime, Rodney, you're in command."
Well, that settled that. There was one other point, though.
"Colonel," Conn said, "I assume that this spaceport is occupied by one
of these new prospecting companies. We have no right to take it away
from them, have we?"
"They fired on us without warning," Karski said. "They killed Milt, and
it's ten to one Abe won't live either. We owe them something for that."
"We do, and we'll pay off. Conn, you assume wrong. This gang's been at
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