"We did, sir; /Dragon/," Stefan Jorisson was replying. "We had to get
rid of it. We took a hit. Gun turret's smashed, Milt Hennant's dead, and
Abe Samuels probably will be before I'm done talking, and if we get this
crate down in one piece, it'll do for a miracle till a real one happens."
"Well, be careful how you shoot those things off," his father implored,
from the /Lester Dawes/. "Get one inside the crater and we won't have
any spaceport."
The /Lester Dawes/ vanished behind a mountain range a few miles from the
volcano. The /Dragon/, still airborne but in obvious difficulties, was
limping after her, and the /Vampire/ was covering the withdrawal, firing
rapidly but with doubtful effect with her single 90-mm and tossing out
counter-missiles. There was another fireball between her and the
mountain. Then, when the /Dragon/ had followed the /Lester Dawes/ to
safety, she turned tail and bolted, the /Goblin/ following. As they
approached the mountains, something the shape of a recon-car and about
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