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Novelas Cortas

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=prestigio= prestige.
=presto= soon, quickly.
=presumir= to presume, claim; =-- de= to claim to be.
=presunto= presumed, presumptive.
=pretension= _f_. pretension, expectation.
=pretexto= pretext.
=pretil= _m_. battlement, breastwork.
=prever= to foresee.
=primavera= spring.
=primero= first.
=primitivo= primitive.
=principado= principality.
=principe= prince.
=principiar= to begin.
=principio= beginning, principle.
=prisa= haste, promptness, celerity; =de --= in a hurry.
=prision= _f_. prison, imprisonment, capture.
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