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Novelas Cortas

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=prendar= to charm, impassion.
=prender= to catch, seize, arrest.
=prenado= productive, teeming.
=preocupacion= _f_. prejudice.
=preocupar= to preoccupy.
=preparar= to prepare.
=presagiar= to presage, forebode.
=prescribir= to prescribe.
=presencia= presence.
=presenciar= to be present.
=presentacion= _f_. presentation, introduction.
=presentar= to present.
=presente=  _m_. present, gift.
=presentimiento= presentiment.
=presentir= to have a presentiment.
=preso -a= (_from _=prender=) prisoner.
=prestar= to lend.
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