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Novelas Cortas

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=mano= _f._ hand.
=mansedumbre= _f._ meekness.
=manta= blanket.
=manteca= butter.
=mantenedor= _m._ maintainer.
=mantilla= a feminine wrap for head and shoulders.
=Manuel= Immanuel.
=manuscrito= manuscript.
=manana= to-morrow, morrow, morning; =pasado ----= day after to-morrow.
=maquinal= mechanical.
=mar= _m._ & _f._ sea.
=maravilla= marvel, wonder.
=maravillar= _vr._ to wonder, be amazed
=marcha= march.
=marchar= to march; _vr._ to go away.
=marchitar= to wither.
=marchito= faded.
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