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Novelas Cortas

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=malaventurado= unlucky.
=maldecido= accursed.
=maldecir= to curse.
=maldicion= _f._ malediction, curse.
=maldito= cursed.
=maleza= bramble, brier.
=malhadado= ill-fated.
=malhechor, -a= malefactor.
=malo= bad, wicked.
=malograr= to fail, end unhappily.
=manantial= _m._ source, spring.
=manar= to distil, abound in.
=mancebo= youth, clerk.
=mandar= to command; send.
=manera= manner.
=maniatar= to manacle.
=manifestar= to manifest, show, declare.
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