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Novelas Cortas

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=fruto= fruit.
=fuego= fire.
=fuer; a fuer de=, in the manner of.
=fuera= without, outside; =ifuera!= away with; =por ----=, outside.
=fuerte= strong, vigorous, forcible.
=fuerza= force, strength, violence; =a ---- de=, by dint of.
=fugitivo= fugitive.
=fulano, -a=, such a one, so-and-so.
=fulgente= brilliant.
=fulgor= _m._ splendor, resplendence.
=fulgurar= to shine, emit flashes.
=fulminante= fulminating, thunder-striking, flashing.
=fumar= to smoke.
=fundamento= foundation.
=fundar= to found, establish.
=fundir= to melt, fuse.
=funebre=  mournful, funereal.
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