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Novelas Cortas

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=Francia= France.
=Francisco= Francis.
=francmason= freemason.
=frase= _f._ phrase, sentence.
=fratricida= fratricidal.
=frecuente=  frequent.
=freir= to fry.
=frenetico= frantic.
=frente= _f._ front, forehead; =---- a=, facing.
=fresal=  _m._ strawberry plant.
=fresco=  fresh, cool.
=frescura= freshness, impudence.
=frio= cold, frigid, _m._ cold, chill.
=frito= (_from_ =freir=) fried.
=frivolo=  frivolous.
=frontera= frontier.
=fruta= fruit.
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