85-2: =no se te olvide=: cf. note _se me ha olvidado_, p. 51, 3. 85-3: =iQue si tenemos hijos!=: this may be rendered as an indirect question dependent on the verb _pregunta_ (he asks) understood. In such cases the redundant _que_ is generally used after the interrogative verb. Cf. note _dices que cuando_, p. 5, 2. 85-4: =zambombo, tonel, desagradecido=: _lout, wine-cask, ingrate_. 85-5: =Virgen de las Angustias=: cf. the Latin: _Mater Dolorosa_. 85-6: =tirando un pellizco=: _suddenly pinching_. 86-1: =plaza fuerte=: _stronghold_. Ceuta is garrisoned by Spanish troops. 86-2: =chilava=: a garment with a hood.
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