84-1: =Penon=: (sc. _de Gibraltar) the Rock of Gibraltar. Penon_ is
an augmentative of _pena_.
84-2: =Anghera, Benzu, Atlas=: mountains of Africa, opposite Spain.
84-4: =iY vaya si es gorda!=: _and I tell you it's a long_ (lit. fat)
_one!_ For _vaya_ cf. note _vamos_, p. 5, 11. For _si_ cf. note _si son
de alegria_, p. 4, 2.
84-5: =iHombre!=: used here as a mere emotional interjection. Cf.
note _hombre_, etc. p. 44, 2.
84-6: =cata aqui=: (equivalent to _he aqui_) behold, here is, this
is_, etc.
84-7: =abencerraje=: properly: a member of the princely Moorish
family of the _Abencerrajes_. (Cf. note _Aben-Humeya_, p. 76, 5.)
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