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Novelas Cortas

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83-3: =Que estes mejor=: cf. _que_... _muera_, p. 3, 6.

83-4: =dolor de estomago=: (usually: stomach-ache) _stomachic

83-5: =Escrita la carta=: in the absolute construction, the favorite
position for the participle is at the beginning of the phrase.

83-6: =Encarnacion=: many Spanish proper names are derived from the
mysteries of religion, as _Dolores (Maria de los Dolores)_, etc.

83-7: =meses mayores=: the months just before harvest.

83-8: =la de todos los dias=: _your usual daily performance_, i.e.
chocolate that is not good.

83-9: =Tarifa=: the most southern and the most Moorish city of Spain.
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