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Novelas Cortas

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81-1: =A saber=: _it remains to be learned_.

81-2: =Por de pronto=: _meanwhile; provisionally; for the present_,
i.e. _as things now stand_.

81-3: =cuando se pronuncio Riego=: this patriotic officer, by his
pronunciamento (1820), boldly set the example of revolt against the
perfidious conduct of Fernando VII (see notes pp. 34, 5, and 51, 7), who
violated the constitution adopted in 1812. After the French intervention
the king had Riego executed.

81-4: =habria que mandar=: cf. note _lo que hay que hacer_, p. 12, 4.

81-5: =Guadix=: city of southern Spain (between _Granada_ and
_Almeria_) the birthplace of Alarcon.

81-6: =puede que=: (i.e. _se puede que) it is possible_.
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