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Novelas Cortas

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49-2: =a Roma=: cf. note _a Espana_, p. 35, 11. Rome was the capital
of the _estados pontificios_, which included a large part of Italy. In
the papal states the Pope exercised temporal as well as spiritual power.

49-3: =Quirinal=: cf. note p. 36, 4.

49-4: =Sant-Angelo=: (Italian), a fortified castle on the Tiber at
Rome, defending the papal palace, the Vatican.

49-5: =bandera tricolor=: _the tri-colored flag_, the red, white, and
blue flag adopted in France at the time of the Revolution.

49-6: =consummatum est=: (Latin), _it is finished_ (the last words of
Christ on the cross).

49-7: =hachazos=: cf. note _pistoletazo_, p. 18, 3.

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