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Novelas Cortas

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47-2: =en cambio=: _on the other hand._

48-1: =que cuanto veiamos=: (= _que tanto cuanto veiamos_): _than
everything we saw_.

48-2: =el Oriente=: the reference is to Bonaparte's Egyptian campaign
in 1798. Cf. note _batalla de las Piramides_, p. 35, 7.

48-3: =Silla de San Pedro=: papal throne.

48-4: =he de deciros=: cf. note _habia de conocer_, p. 3, 4.

48-5: =por lo que a mi hace=: _as far as I am concerned; as for me_.

49-1: =por el que=: _el que, la que_, etc., are frequently used as
pure relatives with the value of _el cual_, etc.

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