35-10: =del Cesar=: _of the emperor_. Cf. the manner in which the name of Caesar has become a fixed title in _Czar_ and _Kaiser_. 35-11: =a Espana=: a geographical name (not preceded by the article) is preceded by the preposition _a_ when it is the direct object of a verb. 35-12: =quijotescas=: quixotic, extravagantly romantic. 36-1: =Sanson=: cf. note _Sanson_, p. 41, 1. 36-2: =Milon de Crotona=: cf. note _varon ilustre_, p. 33, 6. 36-3: =Rey Catolico=: Ferdinand V of Spain, husband of Isabella I, the patroness of Columbus. He occupied the throne after her death. 36-4: =Quirinal=: the Italian royal palace, formerly the summer
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