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Novelas Cortas

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35-5: =2 de Mayo=: the 2d of May, 1808, is one of the great days in
the annals of Spain. Out of loyalty to the royal family, an insurrection
of the populace of Madrid took place, which was put down by the French
only after the most desperate and heroic resistance by the ill-armed

35-6: =cual=: supply _habia contado_, as after _quien_.

35-7: =batalla de las Piramides=: won by General Napoleon Bonaparte,
in 1798, in the neighborhood of the Pyramids of Ghizeh, in Egypt. The
French pretended to be defending Egypt against the Turks.

35-8: =Luis XVI=: (_diez y seis_-- cf. note _Carlos XII_, p. 16, 2)
Louis was guillotined in 1793 by the republican government (_la
Convention_) which had usurped his power.

35-9: =ninguno=: cf. note _conoce nadie_, p. 2, 5.
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