Spanish _c_ and _n_ are the only consonants doubled. The Spanish equivalents of English words with initial _imm_ are written _inm_. 29-4: =habeis de saber=: cf. note _habia de conocer_, p. 3, 4. 29-5: =por ir unido=: _because of its being associated_. 29-6: =ivamos!=: cf. note _vamos_, p. 5, 11. 30-1: =un alma=: cf. note _al ave_, p. 25, 3. 30-2: =el grande artista=: the apocopated form _gran_, usual before initial consonants, is not favored before vowels. 30-3: =siglo=: _world_ (lit. _cycle, century_). Cf. English use of _secular_.
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