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Novelas Cortas

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26-7: =que figuraba estar colgado=: _which was represented as being

27-1: =Velazquez=, etc.: this list includes the greatest names in the
history of Spanish painting. They were all contemporaries, though
_Murillo_ (1618-1682) was considerably younger than the others.

27-2: =tal maravilla=: _such a marvel_. Observe the frequent omission
of the indefinite article before _tal_. Cf. note _a otro_, p. 10, 1, and
also _un tal Garcia_, p. 33, 4.

27-3: =propio=: _personal_.

27-4: =Vos=: _you_ (singular). It is used nominatively and after
prepositions, taking a verb in the second person plural. It is more
formal than _tu_ and less so than _usted_.

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